Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Almost Fictitious

Hello and Welcome To My Blog!

I know, I know. Everyone has a blog these days, but I really need one. You see, I'm a writer, and a licensed clinical psychologist, and, not to be conceited, but I have some really important things to say. It's taken me almost a decade to admit this, even though every soul sign in the Universe keeps telling me to write, and "share my gifts" with others. Trust me, it's not that I think I know it all. But, somehow, I've got to get past my fear of narcissism and do what I was brought to this Earth to do.

So, I'm starting this blog for a few reasons. One, because, evidently, I am supposed to write. Two, because I find it increasingly hard to find funny, entertaining writing with a positive message. And, three, because sometimes, as I'm working on my current book, "The Kokopelli Complex: The Relationship Between Creativity And Addiction," I'm given insights that I just have to share: Now! Waiting has never been my strong suit.

So, I hope you'll enjoy this page, and check back often.
This is me, so you know who you're dealing with.


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